Visual Basic


Public Class Node


    Private _leftNode As Node = Nothing

    Private _rightNode As Node = Nothing


    Private _lValue As Int32 = 0


    Public Property LeftNode As Node


            Return _leftNode

        End Get

        Set(value As Node)

            _leftNode = value

        End Set

    End Property


    Public Property RightNode As Node


            Return _rightNode

        End Get

        Set(value As Node)

            _rightNode = value

        End Set

    End Property


    Public Property Value As Int32


            Return _lValue

        End Get

        Set(value As Int32)

            _lValue = value

        End Set

    End Property


    Public Sub New(ByVal value As Int32)

'-- new nodes don't have children yet, just a value

        _leftNode = Nothing

        _rightNode = Nothing

        _lValue = value

    End Sub


End Class

Public Class BinTree

    Private _root As Node = Nothing '-- tree has to have a root.ツリーにはルートが必要です

    Public Sub New(ByVal value As Int32)

        _root = New Node(value)  '-- create our nodeノードを作成します

        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Root Inserting: {0}", value)) '-- output what we have done.行ったことを出力します

    End Sub

    '-- Inserting takes two nodes.  The current node we want to do the insert on, and a next node for the loop.

    Public Sub InsertNode(ByVal input As Int32)

            Dim currentNode As Node = _root

            Dim nextNode As Node = _root

        '-- loop through all the nodes left to right based on our rule of greater than/less than.

        '--  When we find a node who doesn't have any more children we know we have found spot to insert! 

        '-- (because we have been filtered down here by our rules to this point)

        '-- Side note - this could probably be done recursively but doing EVERYTHING recursively might be boring.

        While currentNode.Value <> input AndAlso nextNode IsNot Nothing

                currentNode = nextNode

                If nextNode.Value < input Then

                    nextNode = nextNode.RightNode


                    nextNode = nextNode.LeftNode

                End If

            End While

        '-- Once we find our node with no children that follow our rules check our rules one last time to figure out

        '-- which side to tack on our node. 

        '-- Oh, and no duplicates!  They screw up the order of things!

        If currentNode.Value = input Then

                Console.WriteLine("Can't insert duplicates!")

            ElseIf currentNode.Value < input Then

                currentNode.RightNode = New Node(input)

                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Inserting: {0}", input))


                currentNode.LeftNode = New Node(input)

                Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Inserting: {0}", input))

            End If

        End Sub

    '-- Printing is loads of recursive fun.  I have two basic types here: Inorder and PreOrder.

    Public Sub Print(ByVal doInOrder As Boolean)

            If doInOrder Then



                PreOrder(_root, 0, "")

            End If

        End Sub

    '-- InOrder follows a depth first run.  check left, print, check right.

    '-- It attempts to find a right node.  If found it goes to the right node and then searches all the left nodes, prints, and goes to the right node.

    '-- The joys of recursion are over floweth here.

    Private Sub InOrder(ByVal myNode As Node)

            If myNode.LeftNode IsNot Nothing Then InOrder(myNode.LeftNode)


            If myNode.RightNode IsNot Nothing Then InOrder(myNode.RightNode)

        End Sub

    '-- PreOrder I decided to take some liberties and make it pretty.  I added a hyphen to signify the level, and

    '-- also visual indicators on which node (left or right) the value is from. 

    '-- The idea here is we print which node we are on, check left, check right.


    '-- The level As Int32 is only needed for printing the hyphen.. you can remove it and it still works (sans printing hyphens).

    Private Sub PreOrder(ByVal myNode As Node, ByVal level As Int32, ByVal side As String)

            Dim sVal As String = String.Empty

            For i As Int32 = 0 To level - 1

                sVal += "-"


        '-- Actual meat of the method.  '--メソッドの実際の肉。

        Console.WriteLine(String.Format("{0}{1} {2}", sVal, side, myNode.Value))

            If myNode.LeftNode IsNot Nothing Then PreOrder(myNode.LeftNode, level + 1, "L")

            If myNode.RightNode IsNot Nothing Then PreOrder(myNode.RightNode, level + 1, "R")

        End Sub

    '-- Here we will take in a value and attempt to find the path to that value. 

    Public Sub FindPathToNode(ByVal input As Int32)

            Console.WriteLine(String.Format("Finding value: {0}", input))

        Dim path As New List(Of Int32) '-- instead of printing the path we will have it saved to a list. '--パスを印刷する代わりに、リストに保存します。

        Dim bFound As Boolean = False '-- helps us determine if was found or not. '--見つかったかどうかを判断するのに役立ちます。

        Dim sPath As String = String.Empty

        '-- basic check to make sure the root wasn't it!
        If _root.Value = input Then

                Console.WriteLine("root is input!")


            '-- Dive into the recursion.    '--再帰に飛び込みます。

            bFound = PostOrder(_root, input, path)

                If bFound Then

                '-- print our the path - from the root to the searched node
                '-- (the path is in the order of found node then it exits each itteration to the root)
                For i As Int32 = path.Count - 1 To 0 Step -1

                        sPath += path(i).ToString + " "


                    Console.WriteLine("Path: " + sPath)


                    Console.WriteLine("No found!")

                End If

            End If

        End Sub

    '-- A modification of the post order.  We take in a node, the value we are looking for, and the path from the node back up to the root.
    '-- The trick with this one is we evaluate the nodes first then interact with our current node.  In this case we look left, we look right, and then
    '-- evaluate if we are the node in question.  If we are record our value on the list and exit with a 'return true'.  The calling iteration then receives this "true"
    '--  and record's its value, and return true.  This trickles up to the root and out we go.
    '-- If the value isn't found returning false let's everyone know this.
    Private Function PostOrder(ByVal myNode As Node, ByVal input As Int32, ByVal thePath As List(Of Int32)) As Boolean

        '-- check the l

        If myNode.LeftNode IsNot Nothing Then

            If PostOrder(myNode.LeftNode, input, thePath) Then


                Return True

            End If

        End If

        If myNode.RightNode IsNot Nothing Then

            If PostOrder(myNode.RightNode, input, thePath) Then


                Return True

            End If

        End If

        If myNode.Value = input Then


            Return True

        End If

        Return False

    End Function

End Class
Imports System
Module Program
    Sub Main(args As String())
        Dim bar As New BinTree(5)
















    End Sub
End Module



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